If you own a business and have employees driving for company business, a policy should be in place that prohibits the use of cell phones, other devices, or activities that take away from the employees' main focus of driving. According to industry studies, Driver Distraction is a major factor in crashes, with an estimated 1 in 4 crashes involving cell phone distraction-hand-held or hands-free.
If you have employees improperly using a tool which exposes them to a four times greater risk of injury, it only makes sense to establish rules and guidelines to help reduce that risk. Employers should take actions to protect their employees. Distracted Driving Policies should be a part of every Safety and Injury Prevention Program. Visit http://www.nsc.org/learn/NSC-Initiatives/Pages/distracted-driving-awareness-month.aspx for resources, including a Safe Driving Kit
![]() Life insurance is a simple answer to a very difficult question: How will my family manage financially when I die? It’s a subject no one really wants to think about. But if someone depends on you financially, it’s one you cannot avoid. There are many types of life insurance, but for all of them the bottom line is the same: They pay cash to your family after you die, allowing loved ones to remain financially secure. Life insurance payments can be used to cover daily living expenses, mortgage payments, outstanding loans, college tuition and other essential expenses. And, importantly, the death-benefit proceeds of a life insurance policy are almost never subject to federal income taxes. If you’ve worked hard to establish a solid financial framework for your family—investments, home equity, a savings plan, retirement accounts—life insurance is the foundation upon which it all rests. It can guard against the need for your loved ones to make drastic changes to future plans when you die. Certain types of life insurance even have a built-in cash-accumulation feature that can help you reach savings goals. Most Americans need life insurance, and many who already have it may need to update their coverage. |
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